
Mischief and Magic Chapter 10 Labyrinth Fanfic

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Chapter 10: Truth, Dare, and Treasonous Hair

The Goblin King lay sprawled out on a branch high in a tree in the fiery forest. His legs stretched out before him, one dangling off the branch and swinging lazily, his back against the trunk of the tree and one arm tucked up behind his head as he peered into the crystal he held, lips pursed in thought as he contemplated the young woman within.

He had, of course, been watching her in owl form after the little bird had warned him of the approaching fierys. He'd worried for a moment that her stubbornness would win out and he would have to swoop in and save her, but she had surprised him with her spectacular move of punching the fiery's head off. He smirked, remembering. It was one hell of a right hook, certainly not something any of the fae women he knew would think to attempt. Had she not been so greatly outnumbered, he had no doubt that she would have defeated them all with her bare hands.

After she had done the fiery mating pose, just as he had shown her, he nearly fell off his branch shaking from suppressed laughter. He had had to take a few minutes to collect himself before going off to find her. He hoped she wouldn't be too unforgiving when she found out, she was, after all, such a great champion of fairness, and she had started this whole thing, anyway.

No, he had no regrets, but he was getting impatient. It had been nearly a week Aboveground and Sarah had still not called him. With a graceful twist, he flung himself from the branch and spread his owl's wings as he took off for the Above, intending to remind his lady of her promise.


"Another point for Oog!" Sarah proclaimed, putting down another tally mark on the sheet of paper on the coffee table before her. The tall, thin goblin did a little victory dance, looking very much like a breakdancing stick-bug with troll-doll hair. Sarah laughed.

"Okay, ready? One, two, three!" She threw another skittle at the goblins gathered together across from the couch, laughing as they yelled and scrambled over each other trying to reach it first. Linnie, who had been standing back a little, took advantage of the dog pile and leapt up into the air, catching the candy in her mouth before landing gracelessly on top of the others.

"And that one goes to Linnie!" Sarah declared amongst mingled cheers and groans.

"Alright, last one, this one will be the tie-breaker!" Sarah warned. "One, two, three!" She pelted the last skittle off to their left, giggling as they all moved together like a hideous tidal wave, biting and clawing at each other as they fought to reach the little candy.

Suddenly Lurk appeared out of nowhere, calmly bending over and picking up the skittle and popping it in his mouth as the others continued to wrestle with each other, oblivious.

"And Lurk is our winner!" Sarah announced loudly, causing the other goblins to look up in confusion and then dismay as they realized what had happened.

"Rematch, rematch!" One-eye demanded pounding his fists on his warty legs.

"No, I have work to do, how about I put on some cartoons instead?"

The goblins seemed to accept this, untangling themselves and filing over to the couch. Sarah flicked on the television and went back to her book. It was an old autobiography of a man who claimed to have had dealings with other worldly creatures, and had written down all he had learned. She was re-reading the section on the Fae, as it had been several years since she had last read this book and figured a refresher course was in order, given recent events.

The Fae, also known as the Fair Folk, refer to

a type of being that belongs to a group of supernatural

creatures belonging both in this world and in another,

known to them as 'Underground'. They look much like

humans, both in stature and appearance, with some

differences. As their name suggests, the Fae are pale

and beautiful. Most possess some degree of magic,

and all can travel between worlds and take a wide

variety of avian shapes. While the Fae mostly belong

to the benevolent 'Seelie Court', one should never

underestimate them, as they are extremely tricky and

misleading. I have found it best to avoid them at all costs.

'You don't say!' Sarah thought sarcastically. 'Well, it's too late for that.'

It is well known in faery lore that they have a proclivity

towards abducting children, often replacing them

with changelings. There are several things that can

be done to keep them away. Cold iron is deadly to

the Fae, and a ring of salt will keep any supernatural

creature at bay.

'Tell me something I don't know,' Sarah thought in frustration. She read on:

Other ways of keeping the Fae away are to keep a

piece of bread tucked in ones shirt, and to wear clothes

inside out. A Fae will not be able to touch someone who

does these things.

'Hmmm. How strange. How'd he discover those little factoids?' She wondered with amusement, trying to imagine a likely scenario.

Young women are also in danger of abduction. If

one must deal with a Fae, obtain its promise that you

are free to return to your home whenever you wish.

A Fae cannot lie, its word is binding. Do not eat any

food from the Underground, and do not dance in a

faery circle. Those who do these things are bound to the

Underground and may never return to the mortal world.

'Well, this guy clearly got it wrong, I did both those things and I left.' She thought with disappointment, closing the book and going to the kitchen to make some lunch. She noticed out of the corner of her eye something whitish moving outside the window. Turning around sharply, she glared at the owl sitting on a branch outside, knowing full well what it really was.

Sarah had been mortified when she had discovered what he had tricked her into doing, but more than that she was angry for actually letting herself believe that he might be genuinely interested in her. It had all been an act to get her to do what he wanted, how could someone like him ever be interested in someone like her, after all?

No one ever wanted her.

Still, she had hoped that there might be something there, and the reality that it had all been a game left a rather bitter taste in her mouth. She would get him back, she had just been waiting for the right moment, sending Lurk to scout out the castle every day to see when the best time would be. He had returned today with news of some feast, and Sarah had decided that it would be a perfect time to strike.

The owl cocked its head inquisitively, and Sarah shot it another glare before spinning around and storming away, muttering something to Linnie as she passed the little blue goblin sitting on the couch.

Sarah heard a surprised squawk behind her, and when she looked over her shoulder the owl was gone but for a few feathers floating in the air, the branch it had been sitting on suddenly wrapped in a dense, thorny vine. Sarah smiled and went to make a sandwich, thinking how eager she was for tonight to come, when she would put her plan into action.


Jareth landed on the outskirts of the Labyrinth, transforming back into himself and limping over to lean against a low wall. He grimaced stoically as he pulled out the long, barbed thorns from his legs one by one, casting them into a nearby pool. Perhaps he had underestimated how angry she might be, he thought, feeling a new and unexpected wariness in regards to the Champion of the Labyrinth. Oh well, he would just have to give her more time to cool down, there was nothing he could do about it at the moment anyway, as he needed to prepare for the Ostara feast being held at the castle for the next few days, starting tomorrow. It would take hours just to get all the chickens out of the castle, not to mention get it clean enough for his parents and the Seelie Court that would accompany them.

"At least the throne room's been freshly painted," He said sarcastically, disappearing and reappearing in his chambers to change out of his torn clothes before setting off to make preparations.

Several hours later, the castle beyond the Goblin City was cleaner than it had been in thirty years, since the last time King Jareth had been obligated to host a festival. The livestock and the goblins had been banished to the city, save for a few of the more articulate goblins, who were staying in the castle at his bidding to run errands. The walls and floors had been scrubbed, and various banners and tapestries and other hangings had been pulled out of storage and hung up, giving the place a finer, more sophisticated air. Now in his chambers, he was selecting the several dozen outfits he would need for the days ahead.

"Silk or velvet, that is the question." He murmured to himself, scrutinizing several potential coats. He settled for the ones that best emphasized his hair, as it was his best feature, after all. He gave himself an adoring smirk in the mirror, proudly examining his golden locks. Since his adolescence, his hair had been the envy of the Underground, it was widely considered the most magnificent head of hair seen for many years, and Jareth was exceedingly vain about it. Scam products promising 'Jareth-esque volume and flair' were sold in dark alleys, while professional stylists spent much of their careers attempting to replicate the Goblin King's 'doo for their clients.

Satisfied that his selected wardrobe would display him to the best possible advantage, he shrugged his shoulders and changed into a pair of black silk pajama pants before climbing into his massive bed. Exhausted from his busy day and preoccupied with thoughts of tomorrow, the Goblin King drifted off to sleep, completely oblivious to the two disembodied shadows waiting by the wall. After they were sure he was asleep, the shadows, one large and one small, slowly crept toward the King, doing what they had been sent for and then slipping soundlessly up the walls, escaping through a gap in the rafters.


Stretching and rolling out of bed, Jareth walked over to his gold-framed full length mirror as he did every day, but something was wrong this morning. He blinked in sleepy confusion for a moment and then waved his hand to remove the bizarre illusion from his mirror.

Nothing happened.

With a look of dawning horror, he waved his hand more frantically, but again it was to no avail.

Jareth, hands moving in slow-motion, reached up and grabbed several strands of his hair in both hands, pulling it into his line of vision.

His golden, star-kissed, feathery strands were now a bold, garish hot pink.

Jareth stood paralyzed for a moment, temporarily unable to process this horrific reality. He was snapped out of his paralysis by a knock on his door.

"Majesty!" Came the scraping, grating voice of the goblin called Smigus. "They's here to see you, the Lordies and Ladies from court! I's come to get you, just like you say!"

Jareth stared at the door, bile rising in his throat. There was no way anyone was going to see him like this. He would never live it down. It would be the talk of the Underground for years, the very safety of his kingdom would be in danger. Who would fear a pink-haired Goblin King?

"Does your cruelty know no bounds, my love?" He said in disbelief and reluctant admiration.

"Wha's that, Kingy?"

Jareth straightened suddenly, a look of cold determination on his face. This had gone on long enough, he must put a stop to it before things got any more out of hand.

"Something urgent has come up, give the visitors my deepest apologies and tell them I shall return at the earliest convenience. Be sure they are provided suitable refreshments." He commanded in a regal voice.

"Ok!" The goblin called back happily through the door, and Jareth could hear the sound of its claws scraping against the stone floor as it scurried off to do his bidding.

Jareth moved away from the mirror so that he wouldn't have to see this waking nightmare and magically changed out of his low-hanging silk pajama pants and into his black leather trousers and boots, and a loose cream silk shirt that was open to his navel, proudly displaying his pendant, among other things. Finally, he donned a high-collared leather jacket. He knew that the effect was greatly diminished by the current state of his hair, but he forced himself to think intimidating and seductive thoughts as he hurriedly pulled on his gloves and conjured a crystal. She was alone in her apartment, good. Before he could leave though, he was frozen by a familiar voice from behind him, deep and tinged with amusement.

"I'm afraid that color isn't very becoming on you, son. Clashes terribly with the ensemble."

Jareth turned towards the window, where a man with long, straight, silver hair under a crown of golden oak leaves watched him with a wide grin.

"This isn't my doing." Jareth objected, motioning angrily to his hair. "I am sorry, father, but I have to leave now, do you think you could start the festival in my stead? I'll be back as soon as I can get this sorted." Jareth was horribly embarrassed that his father, of all people, had witnessed this. Hopefully he would think it a magical mishap or something of the sort. No one bested the Goblin King. No one except her, anyway.

"Ah, to be sure." King Oberon chuckled. "Your mother wished to dine with you this morn, but I see you are quite indisposed. I shall give her your regrets."

Jareth nodded impatiently. "Many thanks." He made to leave.

"Oh, and Jareth," The High King called after him, his piercing blue eyes sparkling with mirth. "Whoever this fearless maiden is, I want to meet her."

With an exasperated sigh and an angry swirl of black glitter, the Goblin King left for the Above, hearing the echo of his father's deep melodious laughter as he went.


Sarah was in her bedroom, putting away her laundry and humming along with the radio when the thunder started and the power went out. She looked out the window in confusion and then dismay, a moment ago it had been sunny and warm, now the skies were dark and ominous. She had a good idea who might be responsible and hurried to latch the window, smirking as she thought about how upset he must be right now. He could fly against the window all he wanted, she would just pull the blinds and ignore him. Hopefully a bunch of people had seen his 'new look', and it would serve him right, she thought. She chuckled to herself as she turned around and ran smack dab into something solid and warm. She looked up in horror at the terrible face of the Goblin King glaring down at her, looking like he was ready to commit murder.

"How did you get in here, all the windows are locked-"

"It would seem you have underestimated me, Sarah." He replied in a calm, deadly voice, standing still as a statue, fierce and hauntingly beautiful, illuminated by the frequent lightning flashes.

She backed away and quickly took stock of the situation. He was between her and the door, the goblins were in the dining room gorging on pizza and… oh.

His hair.

She just stared at it for a moment. It was more wonderful than she could have hoped for, if she died right now (as seemed likely) she would go without regrets.

Seeing that Sarah was barely withholding her laughter, The furious (and yet fabulous) Goblin King snarled and advanced on her, caging her against the wall.

"Fix it now, precious, or else-"

Sarah thought it just wasn't fair, how he could look so ridiculous and yet still be so damn sexy.

"Or else what?" Sarah challenged him, slipping out under his arm and turning to face him from in front of the doorway.

She felt simultaneously like the hero come to slay the dragon and the idiot that woke it up in the first place, but he had made her promises, she was sure he would not hurt her nor keep her underground against her will. She straightened her spine and stared him down defiantly, adrenaline rushing through her veins.

The Goblin King went deadly still, and after a long minute, a slow and delicious smirk spread across his face. He moved forward faster than she would have believed possible, held her head firmly in his hands, and kissed her.

He poured all his pent up longing into the kiss, trying with this one action to communicate all the words he couldn't say. He pressed his lips against hers with a fevered passion, his tongue flicking out to taste her, teasing along her lips, begging entrance.

Sarah was completely overwhelmed. It was not the fact that he was kissing her that shocked her so much as how he was kissing her. His actions belied the vengeful king of a moment ago, suggesting instead something far more poignant. He held her tenderly, as if she would slip through his fingers like sand if he held on too tightly, his kiss was genuine and without guile, it was a kiss of true affection. She felt herself begin to respond with equal passion, caught up in the fire and electricity that flowed between them. He pulled her tighter against him, and she melted into him, relishing the feeling of his hard body pressed against hers, setting every nerve in her abuzz.

Snapping back to herself abruptly, she pulled away from him, pushing out her arms to create some distance between them. 'What am I doing!' She thought to herself 'I can't trust him, this is— this is—'

Sensing her panic, Jareth pulled her back to him gently and said, voice roughened, "Let's make a deal, love. Tell your goblin to undo this," He said the last word with disgust, motioning towards his hair, "And agree to a truce, and I will promise to answer three questions for you, any questions you'd like."

Sarah tried to think, still a bit dizzy from the unexpected kiss and rather distracted by the fact that he was still holding her, despite her half-hearted attempts to pull away.

"Will you answer whatever questions I ask? Whenever I ask them? And without any attempt to trick or deceive?" She stepped purposefully out of his grasp and backed away a few paces, part of her wondering what the hell she was thinking, bargaining with him again, another part of her wondering why she was out of his arms.

Jareth followed her and grinned, cocking his head to the side. "I will."

"I don't want to use them on accident. The questions will only count towards the deal if I say so before I ask them."

"Very well." He agreed.

"And the terms of this truce?" She asked breathlessly, watching him carefully as he began to circle her, head held high and hands clasped behind his back, displaying perfect self-control, in stark contrast with her obviously flustered state.

"I shall not engage in any malicious trickery against you, provided that you can refrain from doing so against me. All previous agreements and promises still stand." He said in a low voice, eyes roving over her.

Sarah took a deep breath and picked over the terms carefully in her mind, looking for any loopholes.

"Very well. I agree."

Before he could come any closer she said, "Darry, come here."

The rotund goblin waddled into the room, giving the Goblin King a grumpy look.

"Kingy not like it? Darry make him pretty, just like Lady said!" The goblin pouted.

Jareth sneered and looked ready to deliver a scathing retort, but was stopped by a sharp look from Sarah, who stood behind her goblin with her hands on her hips.

Grimacing at the indignity of it, Jareth bent down to his level and grit out, "I would prefer my hair to be the way it was, right now, if you please."

Darry looked back at Sarah, who nodded in approval. With a quick swipe of his claw, Jareth's hair was once again corn-silk blonde. The goblin huffed and waddled from the room, clearly upset about the lack of appreciation for his work.

Jareth stood to his full height, once again appearing haughty and proud. He and Sarah eyed each other for a minute in silence in the darkening bedroom. Finally she spoke.

She looked over at the crystal on her dresser. "First question, what is the true purpose of that crystal?"

Jareth sighed and said quietly, almost regretfully, "The crystal is for you protection, Sarah. Its purpose is to alert me if you are in danger. That is all it does, all it ever did."

She looked at him in surprise, trying to find some sign of deception. His eyes were clear and beseeching, and he seemed uncomfortable and unfamiliar with such straightforward honesty.

"Why would I be in danger? Wait, no, don't answer that yet, it is not my second question." She thought for a moment, still not reconciled with his answer and its potential implications.

"Okay, second question. If the crystal would alert you to me being in danger, why did you ask me to agree to call on you? Wouldn't that be redundant?"

Jareth stilled and his face became a blank mask. He gauged her carefully for a moment before answering. "I wished to court you."

"What! I- what!?"

"Do you really find that so hard to believe?" He chuckled softly.

"Well, yeah, I mean- I don't know, it's just..."

'Real smooth, Sarah', she thought to herself. This was going in an entirely different direction than she had thought it would.

He grinned in amusement, then suddenly looked serious and somewhat unsure.

"Does this please you?" He asked, attempting to look indifferent and failing miserably.

His discomfort, more than anything, convinced her of his sincerity, as it was in such stark contrast with his usual smug and self-assured demeanor.

She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the butterflies that were doing cartwheels in her stomach.

"Yes, yes it does."

She took a step towards him and gave him a small, nervous smile. He placed his hands on her arms and let out a poorly disguised breath of relief, leaning his forehead against hers, eyes closed and face unreadable.

She basked in the intimate feeling for a moment as she mulled over his words, mind reeling.

"Why—" her voice unsteady, she tried again, "Why didn't you tell me that from the start?

"Would you have believed me?" He countered.

"I might have….." She said softly.

"And would you have accepted the crystal, knowing it was for your protection, or would you have insisted that you were fine and could take care of yourself, and stubbornly refused any and all of my attempts to give you aid or to woo you?" He leaned back a bit and gave her a tight-lipped, knowing grin, raising an eyebrow and challenging her to deny it.

Sarah blushed and changed the subject. "That doesn't make it okay that you deceived me."

He shrugged. "I did what I felt I needed to. It was all for you, precious thing. Everything I have done, I've done for you."

Sarah melted. With the issue of the crystal resolved, and the wonderful feeling of his strong arms around her again, she couldn't think of a single reason to hold back. Searching his eyes, she found what she was looking for and reached up on her tip-toes to kiss him. He responded with a fierceness that surprised her, his arms pulling her flush against him as he claimed her mouth desperately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him, causing him to growl and nip her lower lip. Sarah gasped slightly and he took advantage, slipping his tongue into her mouth and caressing hers. Her knees went weak at the sensation and Sarah pulled away, resting her head against his chest, trying to control her breathing and calm down before things got out of hand. She listened to his pounding heartbeat, enjoying the feeling of her cheek against his warm chest and his hands rubbing slow circles on her lower back. After a minute she asked, "So, what now?"

Jareth put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to his.

"Now, my dear, the real fun begins."


Miles away, in a dark, dank cave along a rocky beach by the frigid Atlantic Ocean, a red-haired woman stood surrounded by all manner of sea monsters; grindylows and selkies, rusalkas* and few qualupaliks**, off in a corner by themselves. They swarmed around her anxiously, wondering why they had all been called here. The woman stood on a rock above them all, lifting her arm in a bid for silence.

"Long ago, our enemies defeated us in a great war, we were almost completely wiped out." She started.

The monsters growled and snarled angrily. Several other kelpies, some in the shapes of horses while others were also wearing the shapes of women they'd devoured, watched their sister with interest.

"But we survived, hiding in the depths of the sea, we took new shapes, learned new tricks, and our enemies left this world for another."

The crowd murmured in agreement.

"But the time has come to return to our former glory, to leave the sea and seek new lands, new power!"

The crowd stilled.

"Not far from here, there is a girl who bears a pathway to the Underground, I have seen her! The Fae likely have become defenseless against us, they have forgotten the old ways, there would be an endless feast for us in their land, all we must do is hunt her down and follow the path! We will escape this polluted world and its weak offerings."

The noise became almost deafening from the riled crowd. The kelpie wearing the red-haired woman's body raised her voice and yelled over the din, and at her next words the cacophony around her transformed into sickening cheers and eerie howls.

"The Unseelie court will rise again!"
Chapter 10:  Truth, Dare, and Treasonous Hair

*Rusalka (Slavic Mythology): An underwater succubus demon.

**Qalupalik (Inuit Mythology): Lives in the sea. Green skin and long creepy fingernails.

© 2015 - 2024 katie22222
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bellaelora's avatar
'bout damn time you two crazy devious kids. Now....what shall Sarah's third question be? Can't wait to find out what comes next.